Plantation Chefs


Respe Fam; Bre Rabbit , Aunt Nancy , Petey Bo Wevil ; dey sey ;sey Gullah Gee ” CHI ” my story ; now “B N ” told bi ; plantation owner”s under de cover ob ; ” Low Country ETC, ” now de top ” Chef”s ” B dem ? wun said ; him PaPa; invented ” SOP”N korn bred “N” collard greens ; hmmm ? Wi Grans nyused te chew dat mixture ; kiss feed de li”l pickni ( inoculation ) furst pickni food ; Genetic memory medsin ; Wun ob mi favorite Chef “s Jessie “N” Veronica ” Ultimate Gullah ” made mi stan pon hed OOO

Genick Memory – Genetic Memory


Respe Fam ; Bre Rabbit , Aunt Nancy , Petey Boll Wevil dey sey ; Check ; Yenna”s ” Genick memory ; pon de ” Rumba!!! ” Don ge et twisted ; Rumba ; originated en de ” Kongo ” ;no ” Over stood ; Yenna can fin Yesef ; acting ; lika ” Step Chile ” ( bak de bus ) Dat”s why ; wi put ” Salsa ” pon wi ” Korn Bred ” OOO

Totem Science

Respe ; Fam ;Bre Rabbit ;gib honor te ” Boll Wevil ” ;Him weapon ob master destruction ” ; Lik”a de ( mosquito ) ; Who kept de Shar cropper/planter boss et bey ; Chiren were taught de science ob ” Animal Totem Science ” ; Wi member ; wi pickey nyused te play wid ” June Bugg “; Tie un thread te ets hind legg ; N” yenna ; hab “U” own personal ” Drone ” ;complete wid sound effects ( kno battery’s ) light”N bugs were night toys ; Go figger ? OOO


Zombification VS Blood Sacrifice


Zombification VS Blood Sacrifice

In Blood Sacrifice ( to make sacred ) we extract the blood ( essence ) of the offering to appease or evoke some favor from the “ SPIRITS “.

In the process the animal gives up his “ BLOOD “ and conversely it”s “ LIFE “. I think another “ WAY “ is “ ZOMBIFICATION “.

“ZOMBIEFICATION “, takes the “ESSENCE “ of a sacrifice and “ LEAVES “ it”s “ LIFE “.

We have been used as “ BLOOD SACRIFICE “ ( wars , diseases etc. ) Now the “ ZOMBIFICATION “ mode is in effect , I know you have met “ ZOMBIE “S . Sheeple waiting for “ORDERS “ what to think , who to hate ,what to wear , what to eat etc.

There”s scholarship on cloning way back . Buck up , “ ZOMBIE “ Is a “ VOODOO “ thing . It takes a “WHOLE “ community ,

The ingredients and the “ PERMISSION “ of our ancestors ( It”s granted )It”s as feasible as a chicken .

The “ PROPHECY “ must be for filled . Whats”s going on now is “ MOTHER “ cleansing herself .

We have to use “ BOTH HANS “ to keep “ SHEEPLE “ off “ W E “

In the name of the “ KONKER “, Papa Gede Nibo Bey “ La Kwa “


joefisherrollerskatesBeloved ninja,
awhile back I realised I had the gift of invisability.
Before I knew what it was, I thought there were a lot of rude people in the world.
I would be in a line and someone would step in front of me as if I wasn:t there. I would say excuse me and they would apologise and say they didn”t see me.
This happened too often for the people not to be right. I said to myself maybe they really can”t see me.
It”s not that you aren”t here. but you change planes from where the persons are at.I can”t explain ;
With Ninjia in your name you know where I am coming from.
My method of Invisability is to appear so bigger than life, that people look at my projected Image and see what they think they see,but they don”t see me and I can observe them from whithout myself.
My image I present is ; an old grey dread locked ,Huge leather handmade crown , red black and green scarf, many sensitive lens for the dark shades when needed.
coloful shuckitos ( african pants )cowboy boots and a skull walking staff. Only babys and small children can see me through this camaflodge.
But that”s not me. only my image.I am like water I take the shape of the container.
No spell check abbilities for give me
Papa Gede Nibo

Collard Greens (Hoodoo Chi)

joefishercollardgreensCollard Greens ( Hoodoo Chi)

From the IBO thought ; all things have CHI ( life force ].

As a hoodoo trying to re – member our ancient connections

To the garden of “ EDEN “. And a latter day steward of same .

I classify things as to what force I can recognize in them . The doctors now admit “ Collards” have high nutritional value.

I know from personal experience , collards from a good cook works magic on many levels . I reason ? what force does collards have to tap into .

Collards need something bad to happen to them before their power is released . ( frost ). I have been told and now I know from growing collards . You can”t eat them until the frost has hit them .

Once the frost hits them , you can pick some of the larger leafs. They will grow back , the more you cut back the more they grow .

That”s a deep metaphor , When bad things happen ,you raise up and keep on comeing .

So I reason , eat a lot of “ Collards “ and capture that “ CHI “.add corn bread with it”s “ CORN CHI “, and you have a supernatural super , “ Conger food.

To highten the potency of those medicines , grow your own , or if you can”t . “ PRAY “ ( thanks and praises ) over them .

I just found out ; fellowshipping in Rootwomin”s yard ,to put a collard leaf with your money for prosperity . I always heard “ Cabbage was associated with money . I use both plants for prosperity .

If we reason along those lines . Food as medicine ,and growing our own food . They say you are what you eat . We can reflect the things and energy of “ MOTHER “.

I am just doing this thought on “ COLLARDS “.

Papa Gede Nibo Bey “ LA Kwa “

Observation vs. Preservation

joefisherhaggotherObservation vs. Preservation
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
As a Gullah/Geechee with my heritage at the crossroad . I sense the crucial consciousness
of ” CHOOSEING ” to ” Preserve” my Heritage or ” Observe ” it .

With great respect for the esoteric use of ” ENGLISH ” ( to put a spin on ) I”d prefer ” OBSERVATION ” . When we observe a holiday ; example ; ” Valentine”s day” .You make sure you have ” RED ” hearts , chocolates , cupids , flowers ,ribbons – bows etc . And you say ; I”m observing Valentine”s day not ” Preserving ” ( pickle – freeze etc.).

I suggest ” OBSERVING ” Gullah/Geechee heritage in subtle ways ,because it is still a sensitive crucial ting of pride /prejudice . It seems to be a closet ting . And many are closet gullah/Geechee .

A Gullah/Geechee can ; put horse shoe , broom , bible , etc. by de door .Put a little piece of blue masking tape on the portals if you can”t paint them .Put 1 bottle in a tree . Put glass water under bed , respect crossroads – cemeteries etc..

Add a Yena to ” Hab A Nice Day “. Enjoy watermelon , chicken , rice, pudding pot ,hopping john , plant morning Glory’s ( little John ) .

Cherish Family , children,Elders ,Ancestors etc. Ebry lee likle bit heps . Observe your Heritage ,not only ;Black history Month (shortest month 29 days ) Gullah Festival., Kwanzaa ,but ebry da Gawd bring fo we chillen .

en de name ob de ” KONKER “,PAPA



  I am Pastor Joe Fisher, I was inducted into the
“World Christian Martial Arts Hall Of Fame “
Aug. 7,1999. I received the “Silver Life Achievement Award “,
I am a Gullah – Mandingo , My mother is ” Gullah’ and my father is ” Mandingo ‘. My father”s name is ” TUDE  “.  I recently found out why his name was “tude “. He kept an attitude, very volatile.
My mother told me the only time he acted like he had some sense, was when he shot at her , and some of the buck shot touched her.
He begged her don”t tell her father. My grandfather was a legend and if he knew, anything happened to one of his daughters, someone was going to ” DIE “.
One of my early martial arts teacher”s was my aunt
‘ CLEO “. Her motto; ” If they”re close enough to hit the”re close enough to be hit “.And if that didn”t work, pick up something and bust their brains out.
She would get mad just saying that ‘ motto “. As we all did , I studied oriental martial arts. In the 60s we had one of the first black martial arts dojos.
We were so tough, a lot of the bow in greeting was changed and the orientals started to do only ” FORMS ” and “Katas”.
So when I ran into capoiera,especially ” Angola “, It seemed very familiar. I went to ” Pelorinho “{ slave whipping area } Bahia.
All these bad ” BLACK ” caporistas who couldn”t get out of the country were taking it to another level. Brazil has a color problem. I believe there are at least 21 kinds of black combinations of ” BLACK”.
The most avoided in the past was ” PRETO “. But because of the works done in the states by blacks.
Black pride is alive and well.
” OLUDOM ” is one of the oldest escola de samba schools. I would see light skinned caporistas taking notes in ” Pelorinho “. I see some of these people turning capoiera ” WHITE “.in the ” STATES “.
No problem; same whine different bottle. All black culture is being ” BOOTLEGGED “.
” N GULLAH has all of the above ingredients. The ” Ladiniha ‘ ( opening prayer } is the same you”ll hear a deacon singing those unmetered , no book,moanings.
In the ” RODA ” { circle – ring shout } rhythmically, you have hand clapping , feet shuffling , add the tambourines , hoe bells,  I produced a ” GULLAH  DRUM ” when the ” Saints ” hear that drum call , Make sure you got the ” FLORIDA WATER “.
I been told you can”t do capoiera un less you can speak Portuguese. The spirit understands all language.
Sometime at the skate rink { circle } when we ” B ” boys get to busting moves ! people say  ” You doing capoiera “. It”s just a conversation of bodys.
Gullah is also a legend of fighters , Everyone knows a  ” GEECHEE ” can fight. We just didin”t have the luxury of writing a system down.
I remember a few names my my aunt ” CLEO “used, ” jack u up “, ” CoCo But “, I laughed when I heard it was outlawed in the ” Tough man ” competition. That ” COCO BUT ” was my aunts first and sometimes the only move needed .
More to come on ” N GULLAH

Bottle trees – tings


Love Beloved,
  I want to share some of our shrine secrets I think should be common knowledge
I thought about it for a little while. I said this knowledge is esoteric ( only for a chosen few ).My spirit told me; Locks were esoteric, but everyone wears them ( good camouflage ) for nyabingi.
From Rickydoc”s post and a quick look back at ” Ray ” and  “Daughters Of The Dust “. the bottle trees were more small trees  with the bottles stuck on the limb ends.
In my abstract thinking, the bottles should be in an drinking position to act as flutes when you or the wind blows over them.
Reason wid menow, Think of Christmas ornaments and how they are hung ( BAD EXAMPLE )
we need the bad to get to the good.
I now use a spool of black electric cord, guage thick enough to bend and keep it”s shape.
I used to use wire coat hangers,but everything seems to be plastic now.
If you go to a Home depot type of place you can sample many guages of wire at one time.
Home depot, Dollar store, has produced many of my most profound pieces.
With pliers , make a tight noose around the bottle neck so it won”t slip off ( my mind wanders when I talk about nooses, chains, dogs ) Leave enough wire, at least half as long as the bottle.
Bend the wire down to the side of the bottle, like hands akimbo.This kicks the law of gravity in effect to keep the bottle up right, for calling the saints.You should now have an ornament ready to hang.
Now the fun part. I should have told you to get an 8ft. PVC pipe, about as thick as your thumb or more. It must be thick enough to support the bottle ornament when the wire is stuck in the top of the pole.
Use this pole to place the bottle in the upper branches of your tree. Just place the bottle over the branch and back the PVC pipe off and you get the idea.( Ashe )
That”s one civilized way ( don”t let anyone see you putting the bottles up ) It adds to the my story,If asked ? I tell them I will have to kill you if I reveal the way.

“Hoodoo is above all ‘RESPECT’

joefisherheaddanceBook of Papa Gede Nibo Bey ” LA Kwa ”

apa Gede Nibo Bey “La Kwa “, was born in a town called “ WOLFTON “. A town of teachers.

He descended through a line of “SPIRITUALISTS “. His grandfather built the Masonic lodge and was the grand master. Granddad’s root work included a cure for toothache.

Grand Ma “OLGA “was a root woman, some of her sisters passed for white. This made her a very volatile person.

Her son,PaPa Gede”s father ,was named “ TUDE “. Because he kept an attitude .

He named little Joe “ JOE LOUIS “ this was his basket name . This name the name of the heavy weight champ at that time ,

Brought out the Gullah , geechee , mandingo blood line . He had to fight on demand . Everyone wanted a shot at the country boy

I remember , early on he had to use the “ DOSE “ , to get retribution . The bigger kids would do what they called “ Taking Tek “.

They would just take a piece of your candy and dare you to say something .

They had a hersey chocolate bar , they also                             had a chocolate laxative called “ EXLAX “.

In those days when you took an “ exlax “, you had better be on the stool or at least in the bathroom .

He would set the chocolate bar so when you took “ TEK “, his retribution was on the way . Bibles have a way of being read as the word of “ GOD “, I want to be clear on this point of “ DOSE “.

This hoodoo trick was based on the law of “ KARMA “, It does not give a license to attack anyone.

Grasshopper , Hoodoo is above all ‘RESPECT “. For self , and forces around you.   Aye bobo , bi lolo , ashe , amen .